Nick O'Toole
Showing 1–15 of 30 results

Celestial 2
Celestial sky design on red
Hand editioned in pencil
One of 100 copies only
Size: 500 x 700mm / 19.7″ x 27.6″
Created by: Nick O’Toole

London rooftops with cloud
Hand editioned in pencil
One of 100 copies only
Size: 700 x 500mm / 27.6″ x 19.7″
Created by: Nick O’Toole

Planet London
London map limited edition print in vibrant blue and orange. A bespoke, graphic map of London containing every street, road and transport route in the UK’s capital city. A fascinating snapshot of London where the negative space comes alive.
Hand editioned in pencil
One of 100 copies only
500 x 700mm / 19.7″ x 27.6″
700 x 1000mm / 27.6″ x 39.4″
Created by: Nick O’Toole

Firenze Santa Maria Novella
Firenze Santa Maria Novella limited edition print. A prime example of Italian modernism Florences main railway station was designed in 1932 by a group of architects known as the Gruppo Toscano (Tuscan Group) of which Giovanni Michelucci and Italo Gamberini, Berardi, Baroni, Lusanna were among the members. The station is used by 59 million people every year. The interior of the station features this dramatic metal and glass roof without any supporting columns, giving a feeling of openness and vast space and reinforcing the convergence of all the public functions of the station on the passenger concourse.
Hand editioned in pencil
One of 100 copies only
500 x 700mm / 19.7″ x 27.6″
700 x 1000mm / 27.6″ x 39.4″
Created by: Nick O’Toole

Brutalism LA Department of Water and Power
Brutalism LA Department of Water and Power limited edition print. Designed by Albert C. Martin and Associates and completed in 1965, the extraordinary seventeen-story building is beloved for its brutalist appearance.
Hand editioned in pencil
One of 100 copies only
500 x 700mm / 19.7″ x 27.6″
700 x 1000mm / 27.6″ x 39.4″
Created by: Nick O’Toole